Turkey is a country with a product variety in agriculture and animal products due to its geographical location. It also has a rich culinary culture as it is a country that brings different cultures together. Today, the geographical indication application carried out by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office is used to transfer and protect this rich heritage from generation to generation. To date, a total of 32 different types of cheese have been applied for. Of these cheeses,

Antep Squeezed Cheese,

Diyarbakir knitted cheese,

Edirne white cheese,

Erzurum “çivil” cheese,

Erzincan Tulum Cheese,

Ezine cheese,

Karaman ”Divle” Cheese,

Kars cheese,

Yozgat ”çanak” cheese,

Malkara Aged Cheese

and Van herby cheese

are the cheeses that are entitled to receive geographical indication.

It is aimed to transfer these cheeses to future generations by taking geographical indications in order to identify and protect these cheeses with Turkish culture.